So I have been making scarves, both weaving and batik. I forgot how much I love textiles. I have several scarves on my loom. I have created over 20 batik scarves during the last few months. My back hurts, my family misses me at times, but I love it.
And what to do with all the used paper? It's seems such a waste to through it out. The recyclers won't take it as it is full of wax. Any ideas? I'm using my little paper towel scraps which are full of wax as fire starters. They work great! I'll have enough for many fires at the rate I'm going.
It is hard to juggle all administrative items necessary and still have time to create. I'm also trying to decide which is the most effective way to photograph the scarves. It's hard to show the whole scarf and show the drape as well. I'm looking for any hints or suggestions.
All in all, I'm having a great time experimenting with different patterns and colors. If anyone is interested in purchasing one just let me know.
Cio for now!